Tuesday, January 4, 2022

An Argument with the Moon


 Linking with Shay's Word Garden Word List #7 (Langston Hughes)

Come join us!

 I had a dream

 I was a rose

 that had an argument

 with the moon.

You think you own me, I scowled

as his light followed my sway on a windy night

my blood red petals fall

but not for you, I cried

I waited for the moon to answer

To speak of more than time and his stories

That all the faces of countless clocks could never tell

Maybe I wanted him to just listen, I whispered

I was weary of his one moon parade

Like every heart should swoon at his very presence

No one is my landlord, I hollered

Holding my heart like a bride holds a bouquet

Finally he answered soft and low

Don’t take it personal little flower

Gravity is bigger than you and me

I woke up before he could say another word

 made myself a ham sandwich

listening to the jazz beat of raining

upon the roof

glad to be sitting in the dark

 inside a house that has always been mine!

Photo by luizclas from Pexels


  1. A one moon parade! I believe I have had dreams like this, Often, I am like the speaker in this poem, glad it wasn't real. But once in a blue moon--sorry!--I dream I am with somebody nice and when I wake up it takes me all morning to stop missing somebody who never even was.

    1. I can completely relate to that Shay! Sometimes I dream of loved ones long gone and that is the most painful of all in the morning. 💙

  2. Love the images in this and the (mostly) one-sided argument. Who hasn't yelled at the equivalent of a one-moon parade?

  3. This is just lovely, Carrie. One of my favorites of yours instantly. I especially love how the opening soars with emotion and apt images, then comes down to earth and ham sandwiches, seamlessly.It's a good feeling to know no one is your landlord. I especially love the first four lines, and the tales of time the moon keeps back.

  4. "I whispered

    I was weary of his one moon parade

    Like every heart should swoon at his very presence

    No one is my landlord"

    i really liked those lines, great mood and passion in this, and your flow really pulled me all the way thru. and i agree with the voice in your poem, wouldn't be great if we needed need love when we don't have love, that would be so much more convenient

  5. Awesome title! Enjoyed this from the title to the end

  6. Wow, that touched me.
    Hope I can have some quiet for a while.
    "Don’t take it personal little flower
    Gravity is bigger than you and me¨

    The feel lingers on....


Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth