Friday, December 25, 2020

Leaves Upon an Oak

Linking with the Flash 55 at Verse Escape hosted by the amazing and beautiful talent Joy!

 "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."  ~ Mother Teresa

I see my sons in the growth of wheat fields and old men upon the streets

in the beauty of reaching out to give I see the granddaughters I will someday meet

for we are all connected like roots and leaves upon an oak

learning to hold on together

and then learning to let go.

Thank you Joy for a wonderful prompt that you provide every month!  Wishing you and everyone on blogger a beautiful Holiday season, staying safe and keep writing!!


  1. Carrie, this is gorgeous! I love the way the poem itself reads like a deep breath, calming and clear.

  2. "I see my sons in the growth of wheat fields" - that is beautiful! And I love the leaves that hold on then let go. Perfect.

  3. Fifty-five words of splendor ... simply beautiful! Merry Christmas, dear Carrie.

  4. Family is often a hard concept for me, but here you truly bring it to life and make us see its beauty and our own beautification by it. I hope your Christmas has been wonderful, Carrie, and thanks so much for adding the glow of this poem to our last 55 of the old year. May the new one shine even brighter!

  5. learning to let go is most difficult, for me ~


Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth