Friday, November 18, 2011

Definitions of Me

"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart.  I am.  I am.  I am." 
~Sylvia Plath

"I do not define myself I have found this to be true.  It is all the experiences and the people I love that do."

I am a chaser of words
I am a daughter
I am a hardworker
I am a sister
I am a singer of songs
I am a mother
I am a people pleaser
I am a grandmother
I am a searcher of meaning
I am a cousin
I am a classic enabler
I am an aunt
I am an awkward soul
I am a friend for life.


  1. Carrie, I'm glad you told me about the grandmother bit because, honest to Pete, I thought you were in your 20's. I don't know why I thought so, since you have SUCH depth. But I did. I'm sitting here, now, marveling. It must have been your lightness of being. How one accomplishes simultaneous depth and lightness of being, I don't know, but that's you. Now I want to know why you think you're an awkward soul?

  2. You really packed a lot into such a short list, Carrie. Nicely done!

  3. YOU are beautiful~ I love the honesty, I almost did mine this way. I am a mother, etc. but I took a different path. Yours is wonderful~

  4. I love this, and can relate to so many of the statements.......Carrie, I LOVE the look of your blog - how did I miss this change? I must be going mostly to your other blog? The photo is

  5. You are an amazing wordsmith! ...and like he said...'lucky friends'.

  6. You are, and your life makes a difference. Lovely piece for the prompt. Thanks for visiting me.

  7. I like how you intertwine your relationships with your talents :)

  8. classic enabler...hmmm interesting. what is a non-classic enabler?

  9. Thanks everyone for taking the time to read me....:-) I really enjoyed reading about everyone...fascinating and great fun! :-)


Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth