Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Expansion of Grief


Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 138  Come join us!

"Every heart has its secret sorrows which the world knows not, and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad"  ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I am not built of brick and mortar

nor were you

wide open spaces are always at risk to suffer damage in winter’s frost

so the world’s sorrows always seeped in like a flood

beyond ego’s edifice

beyond flesh and bone

tears became a lingering fog

of the words one can never forget

and your eyes spoke each one like mockingbirds

moving through every cloud

it was a place one could get lost in

so I learned to close my eyes

and I became your distant forest

for you were too high up in the clouds

to ever realize you were so lost

nor see that I was longing to be found.


  1. "I learned to close my eyes." That line moved me. I love the use of the mockingbird. Perfect fit.

  2. The focus of the image for me was the mysticism behind those blue eyes .... glad that was yours as well. A lovely poem Carrie. A special thank you for everything you contribute to The Sunday Muse.

  3. The way you turn the landscape inward brings the swell so close--this is beautiful and sad and clear.

  4. I love how you tangentially reference the picture as prompt and hence such lovely wordsmithing
    "a lingering fog

    of the words one can never forget

    and your eyes spoke each one like mockingbirds"

  5. u"bey0nd ego's edifice" the tears .... Oh yes! Beautiful.

  6. Beautifully penned

  7. Sounds great, Carrie. I would like to be way up in the clouds sometimes, too far to be reached. You made a good picture find this week, she is wistfully wanting human compassion and cowmanship. Thank you.

  8. "and I became your distant forest ... nor see that I was longing to be found." Yes, we are all so lost and in need of finding each other, and that is so hard.

  9. Not "cowmanship", but "companship". Sorry,

  10. Beautifully woven! I felt a bit heartbroken at the thought of learning to close my eyes to avoid the reality of what truly was. I can feel the longing to be found when life seems to have lost it's way.

    This touches a place deep inside...

  11. So beautifully creative to turn vision inward, to feel the soul speak. This is moved my heart.

  12. Too high up in the clouds to realize you were lost....gosh, that reminds me of me. Though I do find my way by fits and starts.

  13. Luv where the prompt took you
    Thanksxfor dropping by to read mine



Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth