Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Her Name is Easter

Linking with Imaginary Gardens for The Tuesday Platform Imagined by Kerry

It is the hour to rend thy chains,
The blossom time of souls.
~Katherine Lee Bates

Her name is Easter and she is full of grace
she quickly glides to kiss each and every face

as she dances a dance even the awkward know
for she longs to dance with every living soul.

Her garments are always flowing and miles long
so all can touch it's true fabric and always hold on.

The perfume she wears is renewal's new rose
and all who come near her long to stay close.

Now when Easter is near us her voice becomes clear
and the song that she sings is a choir all can hear.

So touch her and in song let your voice raise
for her name is Easter and she if full of grace.

©Carrie Van Horn 2019


  1. There is something beautiful and feminine about Easter time, especially when it is associated with the Northern Spring.

  2. I love picturing Easter as a woman in flowing gown, and full of grace. Lovely, Carrie.

  3. I know her, Carrie. My 'friend' has a different name but that's her! I don't know how I arrtacted her, she isn't the kind of ladies I am accustomed to be associating with. Except her.

  4. Love the portrait your poem has painted. It makes me want to dance with her, sing with her, delight in the fullness of her grace!

    Just wonderful. And perfect for the season, too. ♥

  5. Your vision of Easter as this beneficent and beautiful woman is very creative, and lovely idea. k.

  6. I really enjoyed this personification of the Easter season. It has that sense of joy that spring brings.

  7. I love the time of Easter..It's promise of renewal. Beautiful piece


Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth